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Zondoma: CSOs ask municipalities for a budget line against malnutrition


Zondoma Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) formed into an advocacy group hosted on Thursday, May 10, 2023 at the town hall of Gourcy, an advocacy workshop for the inclusion of a budget line in favor nutrition in municipal budgets.

As part of the implementation of the “Rigth to Grow (R2G)” project in the North Region led by the Association Monde Rural (AMR) in partnership with The Hunger Project, an advocacy workshop took place on Thursday 10 May 2023 at the town hall of Gourcy.

Organized by members of the Zondoma advocacy group set up by the project, the activity aims to negotiate with the special delegations, the inclusion in their budgets of a specific line for the management of malnutrition.

The presidents of the special delegations and the accountants of the five communes of Zondoma, customary and religious leaders, representatives of the decentralized technical services of the province, representatives of vulnerable groups, etc. were invited to this meeting.

Among other things, the presentations on the food and nutritional situation in the province and the results of the budget analysis of the resources allocated to nutrition over the past four years in the municipality of Gourcy ended up convincing the participants of the need for the communities to strengthen their interventions in the field.

At the end of the exchanges which followed, the presidents of the special delegations accepted the principle of creating a line on own funds dedicated to the fight against malnutrition subject to its approval by the regional technical commission (CTR) in charge of budget arbitration.

In return, they hoped that the CSOs as well as the other active forces in the presence, get involved in the mobilization of the resources supposed to feed this line.

It is therefore an objective achieved for the advocacy group which, through the voice of its president Salam Ouédraogo, believes that their heartfelt cry has been heard by the heads of the municipal executives.

The advocacy workshop was placed under the chairmanship of the High Commissioner of the Zondoma province represented by Bénéwendé Lucie Kima, head of the legality control department.

Source: Burkina Information Agency