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Zondoma: Business leaders commit to fighting gender-based violence

Gourcy: The Rural World Association (AMR) trained traders and service providers on January 23 and 24, 2024 in Gourcy, to promote green businesses and fight against gender-based violence (GBV).

This training workshop on greening businesses was initiated for the benefit of suppliers in partnership with the Sahel Community Recovery and Stabilization Project (PCRSS), on January 23 and 24, 2024 in Gourcy.

‘This training aims to equip business managers and encourage them to gradually transform their traditional businesses into green businesses and take into account the risks of GBV and sexual harassment within the framework of the PCRSS,’ said indicated the National Coordinator of the Rural World Association ( AMR), Amadou Wangré.

Participants from PCRSS partner municipalities in the North became familiar with, among other things, the notions of sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, gender-based violence and their risk factors linked to the PCRSS, with the GBV expert, Aboubakar Kamagate.

They also d
iscussed the concept of green business which, according to the communicator, takes into account environmental protection throughout its operation.

For the facilitator and environmental expert, Boussé Jean Sam, the use of renewable energies and products respecting ecological standards, the reflex to protect one’s immediate environment are, among other things, the indicators of a green company.

He also spoke with the participants about the creation and management of green businesses.

The workshop ended with the individual signing of a code of good conduct.

The PCRSS is a project which works for the recovery and stabilization of populations in the Liptako-Gourma area (Burkina, Mali, Niger) strongly affected by insecurity.

Source: Burkina Information Agency