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Zondoma/AMR: Provincial executives in conclave

Gourcy: The Association Monde Rural (AMR) organized, on January 25 and 26, 2024 in Gourcy, a conference for its provincial executives. The functioning of local coordinations and the preparation of the 14th General Assembly of the association were at the center of the discussions.

The first conference of provincial executives of the Association Monde Rural (AMR), began on Thursday January 25, 2024 at the association’s headquarters in Gourcy under the presidency of the Secretary General of the Zondoma province Anatole Kaboré.

For the National Coordinator of the AMR, Amadou Wangré, this conference aims, on the one hand, to offer a framework for meetings between the local leaders of the association and on the other hand, to equip them so that they can positively impact their respective localities.

Made up of provincial coordinators, managers, provincial coordination rapporteurs and provincial and regional focal points, the participants came from the 16 provinces covered by the association.

For two days, they
reinforced their knowledge of their structure, addressing aspects such as its vision, its mission, its values and its philosophy, the financing of its sovereign activities and communication.

The themes of social cohesion and gender-based violence (GBV) were also discussed.

Regarding VBG, the local executives of the AMR signed a code of good conduct in connection with the Community Project for the Recovery and Stabilization of the Sahel (PCRSS) of which the association is responsible for the implementation in the regions of North and Sahel.

The work resulted in commitments and recommendations which will be submitted for discussion at the 14th General Assembly of delegates of the structure, scheduled for Ouagadougou on January 27, 2024.

The provincial coordinator of Sanmatenga, François Baloum, on behalf of the participants, welcomed the establishment of such a framework which will help to boost coordination and strengthen the visibility of the association.

Created in 1996, the AMR now has more than 150 me
mbers. It is present in 10 regions of Burkina and its actions have earned it the status of public utility organization, awarded since 2013 by the Burkinabe state.

Source: Burkina Information Agency