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Withdrawal from ECOWAS: The unique voice of Sanmatenga approves

Kaya: The association ‘Unique Voice of Sanmatenga’ organized on Sunday February 4, 2024 at the Kaya parade square, a meeting in support of the withdrawal of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger from ECOWAS and warning against any attempt to destabilize the Transition.

After its release on September 29, 2023 to demand the revision of the Constitution, the youth association, the Unique Voice of Sanmatenga (VUS) once again invested, on Sunday February 4, 2024, the place of the Kaya parade to say ‘Yes to the withdrawal of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger from the Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS)’.

The demonstrators also warned against any attempt to destabilize the Transition.

Vuvuzelas, whistles and Burkinabè and Russian flags in hands, dressed in t-shirts bearing the effigies of Captain Ibrahim Traoré and Colonel Assimi Goïta, most of the demonstrators decried the non-assistance of ECOWAS in the security and humanitarian crisis that we are experiencing. the States of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES)
but above all its ‘blinding’ submission to France and the imperialists in the sanctions taken against these three countries.

The artists present improvised singles to thank the Heads of State of the AES for the withdrawal of their countries from ECOWAS.

To mark their approval of this withdrawal, a coffin made from Nimier branches and covered with posters of the ECOWAS logo accompanied by a red cross, was burned, followed by a cheer from the crowd.

For the head of the organizing committee of the said meeting, Issa Lagvaré, it is a courageous act which will allow the total liberation of these three states.

This is why he invited the population of Sanmatenga to mobilize behind the President of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

‘Every struggle has a price and it is this price that we are paying now. And, we are sure that by then, we will defeat this war,’ reassured Issa Lagvaré.

Their ‘crucial’ grievance with the AES leadership, according to VUS vice-president Joseph Bamogo, is the creation of the AES
currency, a currency he deems independent for Africa.

Therefore, Mr. Bamogo urged the youth of his province to a sacred union for the achievement of this monetary sovereignty.

From the representative of the canton chief of Sanmatnega, Kasir-naaba to the deputy of the Centre-North region, Moussa Sawadogo, including the representatives of economic operators, Moussa Zamtako and that of the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) and gold miners, Maneem-Yam-Naaba, all the speakers said ‘No to ECOWAS’.

Source: Burkina Information Agency