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Withdrawal from ECOWAS: The African Union calls for intensifying dialogue with Burkina, Mali, and Niger

Ouagadougou: The African Union on Tuesday urged regional leaders to intensify dialogue between ECOWAS and the three countries (Burkina, Mali and Niger), which announced on Sunday their withdrawal from the sub-regional institution.

‘The President of the African Union Commission calls for the combined efforts of all efforts so that the irreplaceable unity of ECOWAS is preserved and African solidarity strengthened,’ indicates a press release published on Tuesday.

The text alludes to the announcement on Sunday by Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger to leave ECOWAS without delay, to protest against its distance from its initial ideals, its unjust sanctions and its subjugation to foreign powers.

The President of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, who deeply regrets, ‘encourages regional leaders to intensify the dialogue between the leadership of ECOWAS and the three aforementioned countries’.

‘In this regard, he expresses the full availability of the African Union Commission to provide all the assistan
ce in its power for the success of the logic of fraternal dialogue, far from all external interference from wherever they come’, concluded the press release.

Source: Burkina Information Agency