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Victims of serious accidents and chronic illnesses will benefit from free health care, minister


The Minister in charge of Health, Robert Jean-Claude Lucien Kargougou, announced on Monday that in addition to pregnant women and children under five years old, the care of accidents serious, chronic and severe illnesses will be free in Burkina Faso in 2025.

‘In addition to care reserved for pregnant women and children under five years old, cases of accidents with expensive care costs will be included in the free care policy,’ declared Minister Lucien Kargougou.

The minister spoke this Monday, August 12, 2024 in Ouagadougou, during a workshop to develop and finalize communication materials on diseases with epidemic potential.

According to Dr. Kargougou, the cases concerned by free treatment are, among others, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, sickle cell anemia and albinism.

‘Care for these illnesses is expensive for many Burkinabè families, and their inclusion in the free policy could reduce these costs,’ he argued.

For him, this measure will make it possible to expand access to free care to other
vulnerable groups and to reduce the burden on their families.

The minister also noted the need to make emergency care accessible to all, depending on the financial capacity of the affected individuals.

The Burkinabe state devotes between 28 and 30 billion FCFA per year to support free health care.

To take into account the new targets, the additional financial need is estimated between 10 and 15 billion CFA francs per year, indicated Robert Lucien Kargougou.

According to him, this budgetary supplement will make it possible to introduce new care services, include new drugs and new targets from 2025, depending on available resources.

The minister maintained that this initiative is designed to be aligned with efforts towards universal health insurance, where every citizen will be able to access free care.

Dr Kargougou also reaffirmed the government’s commitment to working in close collaboration with international partners, NGOs and local stakeholders to mobilize the resources necessary for the success of th
is policy.

Burkina Faso has introduced free healthcare for pregnant women and children under the age of five since 2016. This measure cost the State more than 232 billion FCFA, according to data from the ministry in charge of health.

Source : Burkina Information Agency