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Unlike France, Burkina Faso has “harmonious cooperation” with the EU, PM


Burkina Faso Prime Minister Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla praised Tuesday the harmonious cooperation that links his country to the European Union, unlike France, which, according to him, uses international institutions to hinder all projects in favor of Burkina Faso.

Tuesday in Ouagadougou, during an interview with the Special Representative of the European Union for the Sahel, Emmanuela C. Del Re, the head of the Burkinabe government described the cooperation between his country and the EU, according to the Prime Minister’s communications service.

Subsequently, he sharply condemned the policy pursued by France against Burkina Faso.

“We have always had good relations with the European Union, unlike France. We did not have good relations with France because we were colonized by them and they still consider us their colony. She thinks she must always act as if we are still her colonies. We refuse this. It is now up to us to define our vision,” explained Me Apollinaire Kyelem from Tambèla to the visitor.

Relations between Burkina Faso and France have taken a serious hit since the coming to power in September 2022 of Captain Ibrahim Traoré who advocates the sovereignty of the country.

Indeed, Ouagadougou rejected Ambassador Luc Hallade and the French Forces, broke other agreements deemed alienating before supporting the new authorities in Niger; which greatly irritated France, which was calling for a military intervention to reinstall the now ex-president Mohamed Bazoum.

In return, Paris has, among other things, frozen its development aid, banned the adoption of Burkinabè children and suspended the issuance of visas, including for artists and students.

“France constantly wishes to keep us under its domination and as we refuse this, the French government does not hesitate to use international institutions to hinder all projects in favor of Burkina Faso. If it does not change, our relations will deteriorate, because we are here to guarantee our full sovereignty and build our country,” added Mr. Kyelem, according to the Prime Minister’s communications service.

Source: Burkina Information Agency