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UNDP announces vehicle support for Burkina Faso

The representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Burkina Faso, Alfredo Teixeira, announced logistical support consisting of armored vehicles, in the coming days, for the benefit of Burkina in his reconquest of the territory.

‘ In the coming days, logistical support consisting of armored vehicles will be provided to the government to support actions to reconquer the territory,’ announced the representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Alfredo Teixeira.

Alfredo Teixeira spoke on Wednesday in Ouagadougou during an audience granted by the head of Burkinabe diplomacy, Karamoko Jean Marie Traore.

He reiterated the UN institution’s commitment to supporting Burkina Faso in the stabilization and development process through the UNDP country program which runs until 2025 .

In his opinion , his institution has initiated several programs to support the government in this critical phase of development and reconquest of the territory.

He cited, as proof, the project to develo
p irrigated perimeters in Boulkièmdé.

The head of Burkinabe diplomacy , Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré, welcomed the UNDP’s approach, considering that its interventions are in line with the government’s priorities.

For him, the UNDP is a long-standing partner who knows the context of Burkina Faso well, and this knowledge constitutes a key to the success of the programs implemented in the country of Men of Integrity.

UNDP had already offered 22 pick-up vehicles worth 415 million FCFA to the internal security forces in October 2023.

Well before in May 2023, he had offered 5 pick-up vehicles and 121 motorcycles for the benefit of the police and gendarmerie of the Sahel and the East.

In January 2023, the UNDP resident representative in Burkina, Elsie Laurence- Chounoune declared that her institution was aligned with the current priorities of the transitional government.

Minister Traoré and Mr. Teixeira expressed the hope of seeing the UNDP objectives achieved in 2025, especially in human development .

Burkina Information Agency