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TOU-KAN Festival: IUCN calls for actions to safeguard the ecosystem

Ouagadougou: During the second edition of the TOU-KAN festival held in Boromo, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) organized on Thursday, December 21, 2023 in Boromo, Balé province, a morning on land degradation neutrality . The meeting mobilized many environmental protection stakeholders.

The second edition of the TOU-KAN festival took place from December 18 to 23 in Boromo under the theme ‘ Cinema, preservation and restoration of our ecosystem’ . On the sidelines of the activities, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), partner of the festival, organized on Thursday December 21, 2023, for the benefit of youth associations, women and local communities, a morning on the neutrality of land degradation in Boromo, Balé province.

Participants followed presentations and film screenings on the degradation of the ecosystem. Practical guides on environmental issues were given to them.

According to IUCN Burkina Faso focal point Lazare Tagnabou, statistics show that 19% of l
and in Burkina Faso is degraded.

It is in the face of this emergency, he specified that the IUCN organized the morning in order to alert local communities of the need to conserve land by adopting good practices in this area and by using innovative exploitation experiences of natural resources and agricultural land.

With regard to communications, these include, among others, the concept of degradation neutrality and the climate-smart village experience.

Case study presentations of the land of opportunity project in the Sahel, models of family groves, organic farming production, medicinal plant production sites via assisted natural representation, were made.

For the IUCN-BF project manager Bassourou Boyla, the morning allowed us to take stock of the land degradation situation in Burkina Faso, and to set out the target commitments that Burkina has committed to achieving by 2030 in front of the community. international.

He estimated that individual and collective awareness is necessary for the conservation o
f land and the protection of the ecosystem where more than 85% of populations attract resources to live. ‘ Nature’s resources are being exhausted in the face of ever-increasing human pressure and inaction is causing humanity to suffer,’ he lamented.
Source: Burkina Information Agency