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The Tabaski festival and Galian 2024, widely commented on by the Burkinabè media


Ouagadougou: This Tuesday’s publications cover the Galian 2024 competition and the Tabaski 2024 festival, celebrated on Sunday.

The state daily Sidwaya mentions on its front page, Tabaski 2024 ‘The President of Faso invites the faithful to carry Burkina in prayer’.

The newspaper reports that in a message published on his X account, the President of Faso, Ibrahim Traoré, wished Muslims a happy Tabaski holiday.

Regarding the message from the President of Faso on the occasion of Tabaski, the Bobolese daily, L’express du Faso displays on its front page ‘IB invites the Muslim faithful to carry Burkina in prayer.

According to the newspaper, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, who prayed at the Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, invited all Burkinabè people to fraternal communion, sharing and solidarity to build peace together in Burkina Faso.

‘Tabaski 2024: Two sources of fitna, according to the man Abdallah Ouédraogo’, notes his colleague, L’Observateur Paalga, on his front page.

According to the newspaper, the imam focused hi
s sermon after the Tabaski prayer on behaviors that could undermine living together and peace in Burkina Faso.

The media specifies that these two behaviors, according to Imam Ouédraogo, are hateful preaching and the frantic sale of land in disregard of adequate procedures or more generally land conflicts.

The private daily Le Pays, on the subject of tabaski, mentions on its front page ‘The Burkinabè invited to join hands’.

To hear the colleague, at the great prayer which took place at the Place de la Nation in Ouagadougou, members of the government, the moogho Naaba Baongo and other religious denominations, alongside the faithful Muslim prayed for the return of peace in the country and invited the Burkinabè to unity and solidarity.

In another register, Sidwaya looks back on the prizes won by his reporters on the occasion of the 27th Galian night.

According to the report, six journalists from the state daily brought home prizes in this edition of the Galian Prize competition.

The dean of private dailies,
L’Observateur Paalga, also looks back on its winners.

According to the press organ, three of its journalists were awarded prizes during Galian 2024. They are Hugues Sama, best report in written press, Abdou Karim Sawadogo, special prize from the UNDP and Felix Kaboré, best model.

The newspaper Le Pays sur le Galian displays ‘No super Galian’ on its headline.

According to this media in this edition of Galian, there was no super-Galian. For good reason, according to the jury, none of the productions presented obtained a score of at least 17/20, required to win the said prize.

Source: Burkina Information Agency