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The Tabaski Festival 2024 widely commented on by the Burkinabè press


Ouagadougou: This Friday’s publications include the government seminar on cybersecurity and the protection of personal data and the Tabaski 2024 festival which will be celebrated this Sunday.

The state daily Sidwaya comments on its front page on the words of Imam Nouhoun Bakayogo, about the Tabaski festival.

According to the public newspaper, Imam Bakayogo affirms that the woman can sacrifice the sheep.

Still in the same vein, he maintains that more than 8,000 Burkinabè pilgrims are on their way to Arafat for the 2024 Hajj.

The colleague, L’Observateur Paalga, explains that according to the imam of the Association of Muslim Pupils and Students of Burkina (AEEMB) and the Circle of Islamic Studies, Research and Training (CERFI), Ismaël Tiendrébéogo, the animal must not have an infirmity or malformation.

The private newspaper Le pays, for its part, adds that the sheep are waiting for customers.

Under another aspect, the state daily Sidwaya, displays on its headline: ‘Exchanges on cybersecurity and the prot
ection of personal data’.

The public newspaper reports that Prime Minister Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélem de Tambèla chaired yesterday Thursday in Ouagadougou a government seminar on cybersecurity and the protection of personal data in the digital age.

According to him, during the meeting, the National Information Systems Security Agency (ANSSI) deciphered the notion of cybersecurity for the benefit of members of the government.

The dean of Burkina Faso’s private dailies, L’Observateur Paalga, in his columns, adds that the Commission for Information and Liberties (CIL) addressed cybersecurity issues during the discussions.

He continues that ANSSI is the national authority for the protection of information systems in Burkina Faso.

Obs. also notes that the main mission of the said structure is to ensure the protection of national cyberspace.

Source: Burkina Information Agency