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The populations of Gayéri participated in the National Days of Patriotic Commitment and Citizen Participation

The populations of Gayéri, in the province of Komondjari, demonstrated their patriotic commitment and their civic participation during the National Days which were held from March 26 to April 9, 2024, by organizing a sanitation day on April 9 in Gayéri.

At the initiative of the High Commissioner of the Komondjari province, the Special Communal Delegation of Gayéri organized a sanitation day on April 9, 2024 in Gayéri.

This activity saw the active participation of military and paramilitary forces, as well as the civilian population as a whole.

The town hall, the central police station and the territorial gendarmerie brigade of Gayéri benefited from this day’s work of common interest.

On this occasion, the women who took part in the activities of the said day initiated an on-site fundraiser for the benefit of the midwife of the CMA of Gayéri, for her patriotic commitment which she has demonstrated in favor of the women of Gayéri since the beginning of the security crisis until the present day.

Thus, the am
ount collected for this purpose amounts to thirty-six thousand five hundred (36,500) CFA francs.

Source: Burkina Information Agency