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The merits of the best sportsmen and military artists recognized by the army

Ouagadougou: Brigadier General Célestin Simporé, Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces and President of the Board of Directors of the Sports Union of the Armed Forces (USFA) received on Thursday January 11 2024, athletes from sections that have particularly distinguished themselves, as well as military artists, the AIB learned from sources close to the army sports section.

‘The women’s football section achieved the treble (championship, Faso Cup, Super League Cup). In boxing, Corporal Napaongou Mathias was HBE African champion for the 3rd consecutive time. In athletics, 2CL Soldier Tindé Samatou finished champion of Burkina in the 5000m and 1500m, establishing two new national records, dethroning the 26-year-old 1500m record. In cycling, the soldier of 2CL Awa Bamogo distinguished himself on the national and continental level,’ took stock of military athletes, the army sports section.

‘In the field of culture, continues this report of which the AIB received a copy, adjutant Zinsoni Kaleb (Kezi), musici
an, won the Sodaga d’Or trophy 2023 (rewarding the best FDS artist of the year)’.

Source: Burkina Information Agency