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The meeting of ministers from the AES states ‘will allow us to put in place an institutional architecture’ (Nigerian minister)

Lieutenant General Salifou Modi, head of the Niger delegation, affirmed this Thursday in Ouagadougou, during the meeting of ministers of the Sahel States, that it ‘will make it possible to put in place an architecture institutional’.

‘This meeting will allow us to put in place an institutional architecture for the AES. This mechanism will allow our Alliance and the Confederation to operate effectively to the great happiness of the populations of Liptako Gourma,’ indicates Lieutenant General Salifou Modi, head of delegation from Niger.

His assurance is shared by the head of delegation of Burkina Faso, Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly. ‘We are on the right track, and we must calmly continue the process of implementing our Alliance and our Confederation, outside of a sub-regional space where form seems to have visibly taken precedence over substance,’ he said. he asserted.

‘It is at this price that we will build strong and prosperous nations, based on the values ??of equity, justice and harmonious developm
ent for the happiness of the populations,’ continued the head of delegation of Burkina.

Around twenty ministers from the three countries of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) have been meeting since Thursday morning in Ouagadougou. They are working to revisit the Charter of the Alliance of Sahel States, and to develop a treaty creating the Confederation bringing together the three countries of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.

This meeting in Ouagadougou should also allow the various delegations from the three countries to examine the political context, marked by the historic decision of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger to withdraw without delay from ECOWAS.

In a public statement on January 28, the three countries announced their immediate departure from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

On the subject, Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga, Head of delegation of Mali affirmed that the withdrawal of the three countries ‘offers them a new opportunity to achieve real fraternity, real solidarity, and real in
tegration, without any external interference or manipulation. “.

The meeting of AES ministers will end in the evening of Thursday with the reading of the declaration on the statement of conclusions.

Source: Burkina Information Agency