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The law on migration flows provides legal tools to fight terrorism and all forms of threats, minister

The Minister in charge of security, Mahamoudou Sana, welcomed the adoption Thursday by the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT) of the law establishing conditions of entry and stay of foreigners, exit of nationals and foreigners from the national territory, believing that this gives more legal tools to the government to better fight effectively against terrorism and all forms of threats.

‘We wanted to reread this law to give us more legal tools to better fight terrorism effectively. You know that whoever talks about the fight against terrorism also talks about controlling migratory flows. And this will contribute a lot in the fight against terrorism,’ indicated the minister in charge of security, Mahamoudou Sana.

The minister in charge of security, Mahamoudou Sana, spoke Thursday on the occasion of the adoption by the transitional legislative assembly (ALT) of the law establishing conditions of entry and stay of foreigners, exit of nationals and foreigners of the national territory.

For Mr. Sana, the le
gal text which governed the conditions of exit and entry of foreigners and nationals into Burkina Faso dates from 1984.

For him, it was time to reread this order in order to take into account the changes ‘both in terms of threats and in terms of international conventions as well as international standards’

According to him, this news strengthens ‘a certain number of the legal system and clarifies certain concepts which had not been taken into account in Ordinance 84 such as foreigners, nationals, stateless persons, refugees’.

According to the police commissioner, the new law also takes into account certain international and community norms and standards and makes it possible to update and adapt “our legal system regarding the supervision of entry and exit on international territory”, he said. he adds.

For the minister, the news also takes into account the digitalization of security administration and offers means to also be able to fight against any form of threat.

Source: Burkina Information Agency