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The European Union sympathizes with the suffering of the people of Burkina Faso


The European Union (EU) once again showed its compassion for the people of Burkina Faso, hit by terrorism, by announcing an additional envelope of 133 million Euros (more than 87 billion F CFA) for the financing of two major projects.

“We do not close our eyes to the suffering of the Burkinabè people”, launched Tuesday evening, the ambassador of the European Union in Burkina, Wolfram Vetter.

The ambassador was speaking on Europe Day, celebrated every May 9 for 73 years.

“Burkina Faso is going through a very serious crisis with several challenges. It is with a broken heart that I see the daughters and sons of Burkina falling in the terrorist attacks, suffering the consequences of the insecurity and the humanitarian challenge in a large part of the country”, added Mr. Vetter, followed by his deep condolences.

Wolfram Vetter recalled that the European Union launched in March 2023, the stabilization program for the Ouaga-Kaya-Dori-Djibo axis, which should ultimately improve the living conditions of 25 municipalities in the Center-North and of the Sahel.

He also mentioned two other programs in preparation at the level of the Ouaga-Koudougou-Dédougou-Bobo-Dioulasso (OKDB) triangle, in order to ensure the food security of the populations.

These two projects, to hear Wolfram Vetter, are estimated at 133 million Euros, or more than 87 billion CFA francs.

“And finally, an envelope of 15 million euros is available to support the electoral process planned by the Transition and approved with ECOWAS. Other support options are on the table, including in the security and defense sectors,” the diplomat said.

Mr. Vetter assured that the actions of the European Union are fully in line with the priorities of the Transition.

The ambassador indicated that the European Union has no lessons to give and respects the strategies and priorities of Burkina Faso in the fight against the common enemies that are the terrorists.

He added that in this fight, the security of the population and respect for human rights and international humanitarian law must remain at the heart of the concerns.

“I hope, for all Burkinabè, that peace will return as soon as possible and that you can build together, hand in hand, a new Burkina free from the horrors of terrorism”, affirmed Wolfram Vetter.

Note that the diplomat is in his last year of service in Burkina Faso.

He thanked the people of Burkina Faso for their hospitality.

Source: Burkina Information Agency