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The Burkinabè of Sabha in Libya contributes 900,000 FCFA to support the peace effort in their country


Ouagadougou: The Association of Burkinabè people from Sabha, an oasis town in the south of Libya, has contributed 900,000 FCFA to the Patriotic Support Fund.

Their contribution was symbolically received by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré, accompanied by the Minister Delegate for Regional Cooperation, Stella Eldine Kabré/Kaboré.

Jean Bourihourabou, the spokesperson for the Burkinabè association of Sabha, recalled that this contribution is a response to the call from the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, to support peace efforts and the fight against insecurity in our country.

Sabha is a town located on the Trans-African Highway3, linking Tripoli to Cape Town, South Africa. She had a bright future before the assassination of guide Muammar Gaddafi.

Source: Burkina Information Agency