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The Burkinabe government assisted 7 million 700 thousand people in 2023

Ouagadougou: More than 3.7 million people in difficulty have benefited from support from the Burkinabe government during 2023, according to a report established by the Ministry in charge of Humanitarian Action and consulted on Friday by the AIB.

‘A total of 3,716,445 people have benefited from assistance of various kinds’, in food shelter, in utility materials or even in psychological support,’ reports the communications department of the ministry in charge of Humanitarian Action

‘100,457 women benefited from ordinary credits to finance their Income Generating Activities (IGA)’ indicates the source which also notes that 15,551 orphans and vulnerable children were educated thanks to public support.

According to raw data, the execution rate of the ministry’s 2023 activity program is estimated at some 82.30%.

Members of the government are currently being evaluated by Prime Minister Apollinaire Kyelèm de Tambèla.

Source: Burkina Information Agency