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Territorial security operations: Municipalities find peace in Nayala

Ouagadougou: Efforts to secure the territory have made it possible to resettle populations in their locality. The observation was made on February 14 and 15, 2024 in two municipalities in the province of Nayala.

‘The situation is getting better and better. One of our priorities was the opening of a major axis which had been closed for more than a year. We have managed to do this since January 30, 2024.’

These words are from the commander of a unit of Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) based in a town located about ten kilometers from Toma, this Wednesday, February 14, 2024.

This locality since 2022 had become the stronghold of terrorists. The population had not completely left but the administration was non-existent.

The schools were closed, the police station still bears bullet marks and the town hall was set on fire.

‘For a year, the terrorists dictated their laws in the city. They came to get supplies, but also sold the animals they stole in the vi
llages,’ regrets the president of the special delegation, who also welcomes the efforts made to reestablish the administration.

And to confide that since January 22, 2024, trust has been established and all technical services are present to serve the population.

‘We have before us a resilient population. We will do our duty which is to serve them,’ he promises.

For two years, there has been no talk of a school in this locality.

‘With the presence of the FDS and VDP, we returned to January 2024. Twelve classrooms were opened. Recruitment made it possible to register 700 students for CP1,’ says the head of the basic education district (CCEB) while specifying that this number will be distributed across six classrooms.

Some teachers had already been deployed to other establishments that were operating at the time.

The CCEB announces that it has taken steps with its hierarchy for their return.

His dearest wish is that peace settles definitively so that all the inhabitants return.

Economic activity is back
on track. In the shallows created at the edge of the dam, women and men fight every day to get their livelihood.

Mariam (not her real name) is the president of a group of 45 women. It’s almost harvest time on their property. Tomatoes, onions, eggplants and other speculations command admiration.

‘Before, we couldn’t work. The presence of the FDS and VDP comforts us. Activities have resumed and we are able to earn income to take care of our families,’ she rejoices.

Not far from there, a man, in his forties, joined the slums this year. He says he doesn’t regret his choice at all.

‘I mainly produce tomatoes and onions. I started harvesting. To sell off, I go to Toma. The axis is regularly patrolled by our fighting forces,’ he suggests.

In all this, it is the local canton chief who is full of praise and thanks for the security forces whom he affectionately calls his children.

‘We have observed everything here since the terrorist attacks began. At night we couldn’t sleep. Several times we received threats,’ h
e remembers.

Now, according to the leader, the population is safe and peacefully going about their business.

Wishing that the combatant forces remain in the locality until the final eradication of terrorism, he invites his subjects to frank collaboration and to report any suspicious acts to the FDS.

A week before our visit to this town located around thirty from the provincial capital, Christian funerals took place.

For the occasion, says the parish priest, several people came from other towns and even from Ouagadougou.

‘Things went well and everyone was happy to be able to celebrate the dead,’ he says.

For the celebration of our worship, he continues, security is present on site to protect the faithful.

‘Even if we want to travel to another location, we notify the FDS who take measures for this purpose,’ he specifies.

The priest owes this lull to the professionalism of the FDS supported by the VDP. Because this town has seen worse times. An area of great agricultural production, the population was ne
vertheless unable to carry out field work during the past season.

In June 2022, while the farmers were preparing to return to their fields, reports the head nurse of the station, the threat was of a magnitude leading to the total eviction of the locality. The reaction did not take long since three years later, a detachment was installed. This allowed the gradual return of residents, but with the fear of going to the fields which are often located outside the city.

‘Later, the administration was the target. We had no choice but to close the health center to take refuge in Toma. We left on December 26, 2022 and it was February 28, 2023 that we returned,’ he recalls.

Since this return, he is delighted, no major incident has occurred. The health center, which has four agents, operates day and night. The pharmaceutical depot is stocked on time. Not far from the scene, fuel flows freely at the service station and is the pride of the population.

The town in question was strategic for terrorists. ‘If it fell into
the hands of our enemies, the entire province would be under blockade,’ confides the unit commander.

Welcoming the collaboration of the population, he nevertheless deplores complicity in certain villages.

‘The threat is not completely over. Every day, we are on the ground to enable villages to live,’ he reassures.

Thanks to the bravery of his men, several terrorists were neutralized and others routed. They are no longer able to carry out large-scale attacks.

Disorganized, their strategy consists of laying mines on major roads, or carrying out targeted kidnappings with the complicity of course of certain residents.

‘Livestock theft is still happening, but with the help of the VDP, we manage to recover certain animals for the happiness of their owners,’ underlines the commander.

Vigilance is required and he reassures the population of the commune and inhabited villages that his unit is on site for their safety.

Source: Burkina Information Agency