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Tabaski: Peace, stability and social cohesion desired in Gaoua


The Muslims of Gaoua celebrated, on Sunday June 16, 2024, Eid-el Kebir, commonly called Tabaski or sheep festival. Before going to immolate their animals, Muslims prayed at the revolution square in the City of Bafudji.

As usual, the Place de la Révolution de Gaoua served as a place of convergence for many Muslims on Sunday June 16, 2024, the day of Eid-el Kebir, commonly called Tabaski or sheep festival.

The imam of the great mosque of Gaoua, Abdoul Salam Sissako led the Tabaski prayer. After two rakats and salat, Abdoul Salam Sissako delivered his sermon.

The imam asked for Allah’s blessing on all the faithful who came to worship God.

Abdoul Salam Sissako invited the faithful to promote peace, tolerance, sharing and peaceful cohabitation around them.

He implored the Almighty to protect the fighting forces who are fighting night and day for the return of peace and stability to the country.

Also, the imam invoked God to strengthen peace, stability and social cohesion among the Burkinabè, before wishing
that rainfall would be abundant during this agricultural campaign.

After the prayer, the imam sacrificed a sheep. As tradition, the Muslim faithful had at their side, administrative, military and customary authorities headed by the governor of the South-West, Boureima Savadogo.

He expressed his gratitude to the Muslim community for the actions of peace and social cohesion that it undertakes in favor of the country.

‘We are present to commune with our Muslim brothers in the South-West region who are celebrating Tabaski today. This is an opportunity for us to say thank you to this entire community. Last year, we were in the same place to ask the community to pray for our region and for our country,’ he said.

The governor said he was convinced that thanks to all the prayers, the security situation in the region is experiencing a lull.

‘Today it is a reality in the South-West region, the security situation is becoming more and more rosy,’ stressed Boureima Savadogo.

This is why he asked them to continue pra
yers in order to consolidate the gains and to work within the community to strengthen faith and social cohesion among the faithful.

Furthermore, he called on the Muslim community to think of the vulnerable. Because despite progress, there are always people who are in vulnerable situations and who need everyone’s support.

Source: Burkina Information Agency