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Support from Burkina Faso allowed Niger to face threats from ECOWAS, Gle Tiani

The Head of State of Niger, General Abdourahamane Tiani, thanked Burkina Faso on Thursday, whose support allowed his country to resist threats of military intervention from ECOWAS . He wants the two countries and Niger to defend together their “Promised Land” which is the Sahel.

Burkina Faso Information Agency (AIB)

Read the full dispatch from the presidency of Faso

Friendship and working visit: General Abdourahamane TIANI grateful to the Burkinabe people

(Ouagadougou, November 23, 2023). The President of the Transition, Head of State Captain Ibrahim TRAORE, had a tête-à-tête early in the evening with the President of the National Council for the Protection of the Fatherland, Head of State of Niger, the Brigadier General Abdourahamane TIANI, on a friendship and working visit to our country.

The meeting between the two heads of state was marked by a working session extended to delegations from both parties. For Brigadier General TIANI, this friendship and working visit aims above all to “thank and express our gratitude, the gratitude of the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Homeland, the gratitude of the government and the people of Niger towards Mr. President of the Transition and its government, towards all the Burkinabè people for their multiple supports”.

According to the Head of State of Niger, this support from the Burkinabè people and their authorities enabled his country to resist the threats of ECOWAS to attack Niger and to face the embargo of the institution imposed in Niger. He welcomed the joint declaration of Burkina Faso and Mali in support of Niger and the creation of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) which now allows the three countries to face any aggressor against one of the three.

The Nigerien Head of State recognized the need for the three countries to combine efforts to defend their “promised land”, which is the Sahel, an area full of potential for the construction of harmonized development between these countries.

Communications Department of the Presidency of Faso

Source: Burkina Information Agency