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Steering committee/MODHEM+/DDC: improve the results achieved over two years

Ouagadougou: Members of the steering committee of the project to improve livestock mobility and agropastoral income through the use of mobile telephony and satellite imagery/Infrastructure component (MODHEM+/DDC) have held, in Koudougou, on December 28, 2023, the 2nd session on the state of execution of the project.

Launched in January 2021, the MODHEM+/DDC project deployed several actions on the ground to effectively contribute to improving the productivity, income, resilience and food security of pastoral and agropastoral populations in a context of climate change and security crisis.

The objective of this 2nd session was therefore to examine the state of execution of the project over the past period and to formulate recommendations for the attention of the management unit and the various partners involved in the execution of the project. .

In total, twenty municipalities spread across the Centre-West, Centre-South, Cascades and South-West regions constitute the project intervention area through four axe

According to the project coordinator, Kassoum Ouédraogo, several pastoral infrastructures have been fully completed. These include, among others, 217.75 km of livestock trails, 6 rest areas of 275.5 ha, 18 water points (12 manual boreholes and 06 AEPS), 10 vaccination parks and 2 veterinary posts, 02 watering areas. slaughter, 01 livestock market.

Added to this are pastoral value chains, namely 424 ha plowed for fodder production with a production of 38,200 kg of fodder and 22,000 kg of grains.

This assessment also shows the construction of 80 biodigesters producing 201.42 tons of compost and finally for milk, 205 actors trained in unit management, financial education, savings and credit management, etc. .

All things which delight the representative of the Director General of Land, Training and Rural Organization (DGFORM), Abdoulaye Ouedraogo. In his opening speech, he invited the participants to draw lessons from the past period without complacency so that the solutions found serve to have a positive
and greater impact on the lives of agropastoral populations.

It should be remembered that the MODHEM+ project in its infrastructure component is financed by the Swiss Cooperation office in Burkina and implemented by the Dutch Organization SNV and its partners.

Source: Burkina Information Agency