Categories Health & Safety

South-West regional dialogue framework: More than 108 billion CFA francs of investment planned between 2024-2026

Members of the South-West Regional Dialogue Framework met for the first ordinary session of the year, devoted to the annual regional review of the National Development Policy (PND), on Tuesday March 5 2024 in Gaoua, under the of the governor, Boureima Savadogo.

The results as of December 31, 2023 of the regional performance report for the year 2023, according to the president of the Regional Dialogue Framework, Boureima Savadogo, also governor of the South-West region, show an average physical rate of 83.54% .

‘Financially, the programming amounted to 16,737,862,524 CFA francs with an executed expenditure of 13,361,194,757 CFA francs, or an execution rate of 79.83%,’ continued Boureima Savadogo.

An assessment considered satisfactory, he affirmed, in view of the security context experienced by the country. But the tree should not hide the forest, said the governor.

This is why Mr. Savadogo suggested that the objective in the coming months will be to do better to improve and consolidate current achievements

To this end, the regional director of economy and planning of the South West, Yabiri Tenkodogo, informed the members of the CRD that in perspective, for the period 2024-2026, the programmed development actions concern the four pillars of the transition.

These are the fight against terrorism, the response to the humanitarian crisis, the improvement of governance, and national reconciliation.

Before emphasizing that the forecast amount over this period is more than 108 billion CFA francs.

The major actions concern, among other things, the acquisition of machines for the Defense and Security Forces (FDS), the construction of the Gaoua Regional University Hospital Center (CHRU), maternity wards, a biomedical analysis laboratory, Medical center with surgical branch ( CMA) of Kampti, Health and Social Promotion Center (CSPS), schools, markets, asphalting of roads, development and rehabilitation of rural roads and rehabilitation of asphalted roads.

After examining the various projects, the members of the CRD
unanimously adopted the updated regional Action Plan for Stabilization and Development (PA-SD) of the South-West 2024-2026 subject to taking into account the observations and amendments made during discussions.

Source: Burkina Information Agency