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South-Central: microenterprise project leaders receive checks to develop their activities


microenterprise project leaders having difficulty taking out bank loans from the South-Central region received, Thursday, the South-Central regional consular delegation of the Chamber of Commerce and of Industry of Burkina Faso (CCIBF), checks with a total value of 21,950,000 CFA francs to initiate or develop their activities.

The ‘Centre-Sud Initiative’ association is the initiator of this operation which brought together 393 application files at the start of the process, across the three provinces of the region: Bazèga, Nahouri and Zoundwéogo.

‘ After examination of the files by the members of the selection committee, we selected 83 beneficiaries who will receive honorary loans varying between 100,000 CFA francs for the smallest sum to 500,000 CFA francs for the largest sum ,’ said indicated Emmanuel Zoundi, member of the file selection committee.

According to the president of the ‘Centre-Sud Initiative’ association and also president of the regional consular delegation of the Center-Sud of the CCI-BF
, Joseph Rouamba, the honorary loans granted to beneficiaries are loans ‘ without guarantee and without interest “.

For Mr. Rouamba who congratulates the president of the CCI-BF, Mahamadi Savadogo and his team for having found this formula of support for micro-enterprise actors most of whom have difficulty in taking out bank loans, the sums granted are intended to relieve beneficiaries and, in turn, enable the development of the local economy.

In total, 21,950,000 CFA francs including a contribution from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burkina Faso (CCIBF), to the tune of 20 million CFA francs, constituted the total amount distributed, on the occasion of this first call for projects from the ‘Initiative Centre-Sud’ association.

Reines Ines Guigma, recipient of an honorary loan of 400,000 CFA francs, said she was happy with the gesture.

‘ I am in the weaving business and I opened a shop recently. Thanks to this money I will expand it a little and gradually my business will move forward ,’ she c

The secretary general of the South-Central region, Abibata Ouo Bamouni, urged all beneficiaries to properly manage the funds allocated to them. She reminded her audience that the repayment of the said loans will thus make it possible to satisfy other beneficiaries in the next calls for projects.

‘ We hope that from 83 beneficiaries we can extend to 200 or even 300 beneficiaries the next time. And I am convinced that within two to three years, we will have people who will be able to stand out from the crowd to give testimony and say that through the funding received, they were able to emerge and are there to support other people . said Ms. Bamouni.

Source: Burkina Information Agency