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Sourou /CEP 2024: 1,070 candidates tackling their first scroll


A total of 1070 candidates including 335 girls and 335 boys are taking part this Tuesday, June 4, 2024, in the examination for the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) and the entrance exam for the 6th session of the 2024 session , in the province of Sourou, Boucle du Mouhoun region.

The High Commissioner of the Sourou province, Désiré Badolo, surrounded by several local authorities and the Defense and Security Forces opened the first containing the writing test at the Alwata Diawara ‘B’ primary school in Tougan marking the official launch of the CEP 2024 tests.

A total of 1070 candidates including 335 girls and 335 boys take part in this session of the CEP exam. They were divided into two (02) juries, each comprising three (03) composition centers.

‘These are feelings of satisfaction. Despite the current context, we were able to officially launch the examination, like the other provinces,’ rejoiced the High Commissioner of Sourou, Désiré Badolo.

Mr. Badolo congratulated the education actors who worked in
resilience, so that the school curriculum ended well. For him, this is justified through the holding of these school exams.

‘Despite the difficulties experienced during the school year, the candidates, especially those internally displaced, compose in the same way as the residents. The sacrifice made will allow us to have better results in the end,’ he hoped.

The provincial director of preschool, primary and non-formal education of Sourou, Hadama Benjamin Kaho also said he was satisfied with the organization of the CEP exam for the 2024 session.

‘I am filled with great joy. I am very proud of what happened during the school year. Education stakeholders, through the actions they take on a daily basis, have provided responses adapted to the challenges of the moment. I am very proud of them,’ said Mr. Kaho.

He called on examiners to ensure equal opportunities of success for all candidates while ensuring strict compliance with the exam texts and instructions.

For the president of the Alwata Diawara ‘A’ cente
r, Issaka Démé, the session started well and no difficulties were to be reported.

‘We started without major difficulties. All the candidates are present and began the first test, the writing without problem. We hope that this will be the case for the future,’ added Mr. Démé.

The security situation in the Sourou province has caused 467 displaced students, all candidates for the 2024 CEP session.

Source:Burkina Information Agency