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Sissili: The local land charter of the urban commune of Léo validated

Ouagadougou: The General Directorate of Land and Rural Organization (DGFOMR) organized, on December 29, 2023 in Léo, a workshop to validate the local land charter of the urban commune of Léo, under the presidency of the President of the special delegation of the said commune, Kassoum Koalaga.

The local land charter of the urban commune of Léo was validated on December 29, 2023 in Léo, by the local actors responsible for its implementation, and is focused on rural land transactions.

The workshop brought together members of the special delegation, initiative committees, village land commissions, village land conciliations, village development committees as well as customary officials.

According to the head of mission of the General Directorate of Land and Rural Organization (DGFOMR), Seydou Konaté, the validation of this local charter by the local actors responsible for its implementation constitutes a very important step.

‘After this stage of validation of this charter, we hope for its adoption by the muni
cipal governing body, especially for it to be truly implemented,’ he noted.

According to Mr Konaté, many charters have been developed but have never been implemented.

He indicated that the implementation of the local land charter of the urban municipality will not only drastically reduce land-related conflicts but also regulate transactions for the rational development of the municipality.

Seydou Konaté, assisted by Saïdou Ouédraogo, presented and explained the development of the local charter of the urban commune of Léo to the various stakeholders.

Discussions on the concerns and contributions of participants were taken into account.

The participants unanimously acclaimed the document and hoped for its successful implementation.

The president of the special Léo delegation, Kassoum Koalaga, thanked all the participants for their sense of listening and full participation in the discussions, ‘Which indicates the interest they give to this document whose importance no longer needs to be demonstrated.

lly, he invited the representatives of the various initiative committees to relay the information to their respective grassroots communities in order to put everyone at the same level of information.

As a reminder, the local charter is a local agreement which will allow the urban municipality of Léo to regulate all transactions and management of natural resources, including land.

Source: Burkina Information Agency