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Sissili: Les membres des démembrements de l’observatoire renforcent leurs capacités sur la gestion des conflits communautaires

The Permanent Secretariat of the National Observatory for the Prevention and Management of Community Conflicts (SP- ONAPREGECC) initiated from September 17 to 18, 2024 in Léo, a training session for the benefit of its members in the province of Sissili.

For several years, threats to peace have multiplied through the development of terrorist acts and the persistence of recurring and diverse community conflicts.

These conflicts are linked, among other things, to customary chieftaincy, politics, religion and the exploitation of natural resources.

The Burkinabe government, aware of the situation, created a national observatory for the prevention and management of community conflicts on December 28, 2015.

This alert and monitoring structure is responsible for preventing and ensuring the integrated management of community conflicts in Burkina Faso.

To be closer to the populations, it has branches at the regional, provincial, departmental, village or sectoral level.

According to the organizers, this capacity
building session for members of the Sissili province observatory is part of the program for resilience, local governance and services.

The general objective of this session is to strengthen the capacities of the members of the National Observatory of Sissili in order to enable them to prevent and resolve “effectively community conflicts in the communes.

The participants were entitled to communications on the state of community conflicts, prevention techniques, analysis of resolution and transformation of said conflicts made by the trainers of the permanent secretariat of the national observatory.

From the exchanges they acquired knowledge on the different themes developed. They were also interviewed on their mission in the prevention and management of community conflicts.

The members of the national observatory branch of the Sissili province then appropriated the guides for the prevention and management of community conflicts.

But before, the members were installed by the high commissioner of the provinc
e of Sissili, Tewindé Isaac Sia, also president of the said structure at the provincial level.

The capacity building session for members of the departmental observatory followed by their installation will take place from September 19 to 21 under the chairmanship of the PDS of the commune of Léo, Kassoum Koalaga.

Source: Burkina Information Agency