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Sexual and reproductive health: An association awards four scholarships to four students for their research

Ouagadougou: The association SOS Jeunesse et Défis (SOS-JD), awarded Tuesday, four scholarships worth 500 thousand CFA francs each, for the benefit of four students, as part of their research on Sexual and reproductive health in Burkina Faso.

According to the executive director of the SOS Youth and Challenges association (SOS-JD) Burkina Faso, Harouna Ouédraogo, his structure awarded four scholarships worth 500 thousand CFA francs each, to four students.

Mr. Ouédraogo specified that these are students in Master 2 or having completed at least one semester of Master 2, in the field of human, social sciences and health sciences.

He also indicated that the four winners come from public and private universities in Burkina Faso and were selected from 15 candidates, by a jury of four members based on defined criteria.

The first head of the association spoke on Tuesday in Ouagadougou, during a ceremony awarding four scholarships, for the benefit of four young students who are doing their research in the field of
Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH).

Harouna Ouédraogo explained that Share-Net International remains a knowledge management platform on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).

To listen to it, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, this platform is present in 7 countries around the world: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Colombia, Jordan, Ethiopia and the Netherlands .

The executive director of the SOS JD association said that Share-Net’s mission is to strengthen research and the development of better policies in favor of sexual and reproductive rights.

‘We decided to support these students who are at the end of their cycle with scholarships, because we noticed that in reproductive rights and health, there is not enough research on the issue,’ he said. -he argued.

According to Mr. Ouédraogo, this activity of the association, the third of its kind, will allow NGOs and associations as well as the population to now have data and information for their advoc
acy on SRH.

To this end, one of the members of the jury, teacher-researcher in demography, Dr Natalie Sawadogo, noted that the selection of the winners was made on the basis of the relevance of their research or dissertation projects, their good results during the semesters. previous their Masters.

Dr Sawadogo indicated that the realism of their project was taken into account in the selection criteria with the methodology of their research as well as their timeline.

According to him, the process consisted first of the development of reference themes for the selection of researchers and then their dissemination by Share-Net, through several platforms for great participation of students.

‘After receiving the applications, we examined and rated them using a common evaluation grid and this made it possible to make a pre-selection of the candidates who were submitted to interviews,’ she said.

The student, at the end of her Master’s degree in demography research at the Higher Institute of Population Sciences (
ISSP), Marlène Wazina Siri, said she was dealing with the theme relating to “the use of digital tools and access to modern contraception among young people girls and adolescents aged 15 to 24 in the city of Ouagadougou.

For Miss Siri, despite the efforts made by the State and its partners, the rate of unwanted pregnancies still remains high with low use of modern contraceptives.

As for the Master of Public Health student at the Nazi Boni University of Bobo-Dioulasso, Nasser Abdoul Ouédraogo, he dwells on ‘The knowledge, attitudes and practices in terms of contraception of Nazi Boni students in 2023’.

Mr. Ouédraogo wants to add his touch with his theme in the field of SRH in Burkina Faso.

At the end of the ceremony, the association presented certificates of recognition to the members of the selection jury for the work accomplished.

Source: Burkina Information Agency