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Security situation, swearing in of new CSC advisors, withdrawal from ECOWAS on the menu of Burkinabè daily newspapers

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè press comments this Tuesday on the withdrawal of Burkina from ECOWAS, the swearing-in of the new advisors of the High Council of Communication and the demonstration of the population of the north.

‘Insecurity in the Northern region, people are showing their anger in the streets,’ headlines the private daily, Le Pays.

According to this daily, people in the town of Ouahigouya demonstrated their ‘anger in the streets to demand more seriousness in the management of the security crisis in the Northern region’.

According to the dean of private dailies, Observateur Paalga, the organizers of the demonstration depicted a bleak security situation in the Northern region.

The state daily Sidwaya reports that ‘while reaffirming their unwavering support for the transitional authorities, the demonstrators pleaded for their message to be transmitted to the competent authorities for the happiness of the sons and daughters of the region’

For not having seen a national television team (RTB2) for
media coverage of the reading of their message, some demonstrators attempted to vandalize the premises of the Ouahigouya television channel, adds the state daily.

In another register, the public daily Sidwaya headlines its front page: ‘Karamoko Jean Marie, Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs: It is with full knowledge of the facts that the heads of state have decided to leave ECOWAS’.

This newspaper transcribed an interview with the head of Burkinabe diplomacy.

During these discussions, the minister indicated that this decision (of the AES countries to leave ECOWAS) is part of a spirit of better articulation and ‘will allow us to truly work on the challenges that are ours. “.

For its part, the private newspaper, the country questioned Burkinabè people about this withdrawal of the AES States from ECOWAS.

The daily reports in this sense that the vice-president of the Congress for Democracy and Progress (CDP), Boubacar Sannou, would have liked there to be a public debate around the question so that each c
itizen can speak out and measure the contours of such a decision.

For Brice Konaté, a Burkinabè citizen, ‘we lose nothing by trying differently’ adds the private daily.

The observer Paalga, for his part, writes that according to Dr Mohamed Tidiane KINDA, ‘UEMOA remains a safety net for the AES countries’.

From another angle, L’Observateur Paalga headlines its front page “Higher Council of Communication, advisors receive the anointing of the Wise.”

‘Appointed by decree on January 25, 2024, the nine new advisors to the Superior Council of Communication took an oath to the constitutional council,’ reports the dean of private daily newspapers.

The newspaper adds that the president of the constitutional council, Me Barthélemy Kéré, urged the Councilors to keep in mind the terms of the oath taken.

According to Le Pays, in view of the challenges presented in the digital age, the president of the constitutional council reminded them of the missions for which they were appointed.

For the public daily Sidwaya, a
dvisors have the assets to better appreciate the questions that will be submitted to them from different angles.

Source: Burkina Information Agency