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Sanguié: The worst avoided in Kordié following the undoing of a classroom


A rain accompanied by a violent wind destroyed a classroom on June 3, 2024 at school C in Kordié in Sanguié. Fortunately, around forty students and teachers seated at the final preparations for the CEP escaped unscathed.

On the eve of the launch of the CEP 2024 exam, on June 3, at around 5 p.m., while the examiners were completing the preparations of the classrooms at school C in Kordié, a thunderstorm.

He narrowly missed plunging the center of Kordié into an impasse or even a disaster.

Indeed, in the building of the two classrooms which should serve one as a dormitory and the other as a composition room, there were around forty candidates and a few teachers busy with the final preparations.

The force of the wind ended up completely ripping the building apart, crumpling the roof like paper.

Fortunately, all the occupants escaped unharmed and without any scratches.

The combined efforts of everyone made it possible to deal with the most urgent matters, namely quickly finding another accommodation site for
the benefit of the forty candidates and another composition room for the tests on June 4.

On Thursday June 6, 2024, the Regional Director of Preschool, Primary and Non-Formal Education in the Center-West, Abylaicé Rouamba went to see the damage and encourage the actors.

‘I could not not go to Kordié given the scale of this major incident which almost cost us quinine,’ said DREPPNF Abylaicé Rouamba upon his arrival in Kordié.

And added: “I therefore came on behalf of the Minister of National Education (Jacques Sosthène Dingara) to express our gratitude and recognition to the first person in charge of the commune as well as to all the actors of the education who showed resilience and promptness in resolving this unexpected delicate situation, to allow the smooth running of the CEP exam in this part of the Central-West region.

And to end his remarks in these terms: ‘I am very happy to note that at the end, there was more fear than harm because even if the damage was not the least, students and teachers alike
were all escaped unscathed and we can only give thanks to divine mercy.’

Abylaicé Rouamba and the team that accompanied him, after a visit to school C and comforting discussions, took leave of the president of the special delegation of the commune, Léopold Segda, and the head of the education district, Servais Dominique Toné, in a warm atmosphere.

Note that before the visit of the regional management, other personalities including the high commissioner of the Sanguié province, Talari Germaine Ouoba, had already stopped by to take the pulse of the situation and ensure the smooth running of the exam.

Source: Burkina Information Agency