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Sanguié/Artisanal mining: the Or project trains Guido actors

For the second consecutive time, the project to promote responsible gold panning called the OR project organized a training workshop for stakeholders at the Guido site, in the commune of Réo, on September 19, 2024, under the chairmanship of the High Commissioner, Talari Germaine Ouoba.

With more than 600 major sites across the country, artisanal mining exploration needs significant support for its development.

It is with this in mind that technical and financial partners have committed alongside the State, including the consortium composed of Caritas Switzerland, Artisanal Gild Council and Solidarité Suisse, responsible for implementing the OR project.

This project, which is in its second year of implementation, has been able to carry out, according to the country representative of Artisanal Gild Council, Saidou Kabré, awareness-raising, training and capacity-building activities at the level of both local authorities and stakeholders in the gold production chain.

Thus, significant progress has been observ
ed in the development of municipal charters, support for the mobilization of local resources, the promotion of practices that respect the environment and human rights on the sites, noted in his speech, the High Commissioner of the province, Talari Germaine Ouoba.

This means that the Réo workshop has set itself the objective of strengthening the capacities of mining artisans in the exploitation of geological data and health and safety in the work environment.

Participants from Guido’s site saw their lanterns illuminated on several themes.

This involves introducing stakeholders to the process of formation of gold deposits as well as the types of gold mineralization, the interpretation of geological data, namely the methods of collecting data in the field, geological mapping as well as sample collection techniques; the mining processes adapted to the mineralization of each intervention zone and the use of equipment; health and safety in the work environment.

In addition to the training, the project provided
support to those responsible for the gold panning site with personal protective and extraction equipment, namely helmets, nose covers, gloves, pairs of glasses, sound protection equipment, among others.

The training ended with a field trip to Guido’s site, to put words into action.

According to the country representative of the Artisanal Gold Council, Saidou Kabré, since the last session, he notes a clear improvement at all levels (change in behavior, spatial organization of gold mining sites, extraction zones and trade zones, etc.)

Source: Burkina Information Agency