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Sahel: Experts show the way forward in the fight against Neocolonialism and for true sovereignty

Ouagadougou: Experts gave ideas on Saturday on the political, economic, cultural and health levels that should enable the Sahel States to fight against Neocolonialism and achieve true sovereignty, noted the AIB.

Placed under the theme: ‘the fight for the sovereignty of our States in the face of neocolonialism: state of affairs today in Burkina Faso’, this round table was led by accredited experts in several fields.

For the first speaker, political science researcher Pepin Ollo Hien, neocolonialism is the consequence of colonization or the continuation of colonization by other means.

Mr. Hien adds that it is the principle of equality which governs relations between States and that it is this equality that certain States refuse to grant to others.

‘France refuses to review the agreements it has with us because it does not want to deal as equals with our States,’ he continues.

He adds that, moreover, independence was granted in friendship with France, which friendship is nothing other than the exploitation
of the former colonies.

The challenges to be taken up for endogenous development according to the researcher in political science, is therefore the historical rupture, that is to say, that we must ‘break with all the links which keep us in a situation of domination like the agreements which we We signed with the settler.

According to him, this break will allow us to have autonomy in political and economic management and it will make it possible to better empower the population because from now on the people will have to rely on themselves.

‘Endogenous development also requires popular mobilization at all levels and quality leadership. Because without quality leadership, it is difficult for us to win the fight for true sovereignty, against imperialism,’ he continued.

He also noted that they expect Russia and in general the BRICS to maintain a partnership which allows access on the one hand to cutting-edge technology which will allow them to exploit resources properly and on the other hand, to acquire the l
ogistical combat means necessary to be able to put an end to terrorism.

As for the media columnist and political analyst, Hassane Bationo, he stressed that ‘sovereignty lies in our ability to sell to whomever we want, everything we have, to do what we want so that it is productive for our nations. and for our people. ‘ For Mr. Bationo, ideology is a basis for development.

‘Until we know what we want, where we come from and where we want to go, it is difficult to find our way,’ he said.

The civil engineer, Bertrand Yoda, spoke to the participants about sovereignty in economic matters.

For him, the World Bank and structural adjustment programs have destroyed the African economic fabric and made Burkina Faso and other Sahel countries poor and highly indebted.

‘After having been classified for a long time among the poorest countries, the IMF evokes high economic growth in the Sahel countries which will increase from 5% to 7 or 8% after our presidents have undertaken actions for endogenous development’, he in

The local development consultant, Seni Camille Y, referring to the cultural aspect, invited the Burkinabè to return to their bases, to their roots.

‘Culture remains our deepest value which unfortunately has suffered a degradation, if not a blurring, by the colonizer through imposed so-called dogmatic values such as religions,’ he continued.

These dogmas, according to Mr. Seni, are strategies to lose these populations.

‘According to the WHO, health is a state of complete well-being, physical, mental and social well-being,’ indicated the accounting auditor Soumaila Cissé to introduce his intervention on health sovereignty.

He recalled that the Korana virus, barely arrived, a vaccine was found before the end of 2020 while for years, we had still not found anything against the malaria which is rampant in our countries.

In order to no longer leave the management of our health in the hands of other people, Mr. Cissé urges us to place emphasis on training young people in medicine.

‘According to OECD
data in medicine, chemistry, mathematics and physics, Russia holds the lead. And the training costs less, around $8,000,’ he stressed.

He also recommended promoting exchanges between modern medicine and alternative medicine for health sovereignty.

This panel was organized by IRCEF-Burkina/BRICS, the Bolo Yan association and African Initiative.

For the president of the Bolo Yan association, Barry M’baye, this panel aims to raise awareness among young people to jump on the freedom train.

‘We need young people to understand what the country is committed to and how we must assimilate this sovereignty which is very important for the dignity and development of the country.’

People from all walks of life were invited to understand this new initiative such as students, traders and teachers.

On January 27, 2024, the African initiative association had already organized a first panel on national sovereignty in the face of neocolonialism.

Source: Burkina Information Agency