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Safeguarding national identity and Burkinabè culture at the heart of a panel in Pô


The African initiative association organized on March 23, 2024 in Pô, in the province of Nahouri, a public conference on the safeguarding of national identity and Burkinabè culture in the face of aggressive Western policies. A theme developed by Dr Hyacinthe Ouédraogo, teacher researcher/writer, Hassane Bazongbié Bationo Alias Bationon de Kyon, Adama Amadé Siguiré and Evgeniya Tikhonova, head of the Russian house in Burkina.

For some time now, Burkina Faso has initiated a policy of breaking with the old neocolonial order.

This policy of rupture manifests itself on the political, economic, cultural and social levels.

Also, awareness is necessary in order to allow populations to better get involved in this policy of rupture and to support the Transition underway in Burkina Faso.

To achieve this, initiatives are being developed throughout the territory to support populations.

These initiatives include the actions of the Russian-Burkinabe association, African Initiative, led by Soumaïla Azanwo Ayo.

The conf
erence on March 23, 2024 in Pô on the theme ‘safeguarding national identity and Burkinabè culture in the face of aggressive Western policies’ therefore aimed to enable the populations of Nahouri to understand the importance of heritage in socio-economic development on the one hand and on the other hand, to understand the foundations of national identity.

It also aims to know the national policies for the safeguarding and promotion of cultural values in Burkina and those aggressive by Westerners and their harmful impacts on Burkina.

And to get the message across, the initiators chose pupils and students, women’s associations, customary and religious authorities and school heads.

For more than four hours, the panelists brilliantly developed the different sub-themes.

According to them, aggressive Western policies are favored, among other things, by a fault in governance since independence, the abandonment of cultural and artistic values and patriotism.

All these presentations were followed by discussions.

Exchanges deemed fruitful by the president of the African Initiative.

For him, participation in the debates and the commitment of different social layers to support the new authorities and the actions undertaken demonstrate that the populations have resolutely turned their backs on the former colonial power and want to take their development into their own hands.

The head of sector n°1 of Pô Jérôme Pahoulabou, on behalf of the customary authorities present at the conference, praised the initiators and the depth of the themes developed and hoped that other meetings of this kind would be organized in order to allow the populations to know the foundations of national identity and the promotion of cultural values in Burkina.

Before the start of the conference, participants sang the national anthem, the anthem of victory against terrorism and a minute of silence was observed in memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks.

Source: Burkina Information Agency