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Rumor of fuel price increase: The CSC will send letters of inquiry to two media

Ouagadougou: The Higher Communication Council will send letters of inquiry to two media outlets and to the owner of an account

Burkina Faso Information Agency

Read the full press release

‘The Superior Council of Communication heard, on February 12, 2024, the managers of two professional media and that of an account of the social network ‘X’ (Ex Twitter) for having disseminated, on February 7, 2024, false information on the rise in the price of hydrocarbons in Burkina Faso. These are the newspaper ‘L’Economiste du Faso’, ‘Radio Oméga’ and the owner of an account ‘X’.

After examination of the minutes of these hearings during an extraordinary session of the College of Advisors, it emerged that all the media managers concerned recognized the falsity of the information broadcast and indicated that they had been mistaken in various ways.

In view of the public rectification and apology actions carried out by these media to reestablish the truth after the publication of the denial of the Interministerial Determi
nation Committee. of hydrocarbon prices (CIDPH), the College of Advisors took note of their repentance. Also, in an educational approach, he decided to send them letters of inquiry. inviting them to exercise greater caution and professional rigor in the future.

In view of the current context, the College takes this opportunity to remind all media, bloggers, Internet users and all citizens of the imperative caution to be observed in the processing and systematic sharing of information, in particular that relating to strategic and

sensitive like that of hydrocarbons. He also recalls that the publication and sharing of false information may give rise to administrative sanctions pronounced by the CSC, or even criminal proceedings by the competent judicial authority.

The College knows how to count on the responsibility of each and every one for healthy communication which guarantees our country a peaceful social climate. “.

Source: Burkina Information Agency