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Revision of the Constitution, cooperation and justice on the cover of Burkinabè newspapers

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè dailies this Friday echo the parliamentary cooperation between Burkina Faso and Mali, the fine coal trial and the promulgation of the law revising the constitution by the president of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

‘Revision of the Constitution in Burkina: The law promulgated by the head of state’, displays on its front page, the private daily Le Pays.

The private newspaper informs that the President of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, promulgated yesterday in Ouagadougou the law revising the Constitution of Burkina Faso.

Same story for the state daily Sidwaya which maintains that the head of state promulgated the constitutional law.

In another vein, the dean of Burkinabè private newspapers, L’Observateur Paalga, has the headline: ‘Final coal trial: The court definitively puts away its sieve’.

The private daily reports that after making headlines for five years, the so-called ‘fine coal’ affair reached its conclusion yesterday Thursday at the High Court (TGI) of

The colleague Le Pays specifies that the mining company Essakane and others were acquitted in the fine coal affair due to negotiation.

According to him, the judge decided to terminate public action against the defendants in this case.

The state daily Sidwaya, for its part, maintains that the prosecution of the public prosecutor in the fine coal case, against the company IAMGOLD Essakane, also involving the company Bolloré which became Africa Global Logistics (AGL) and agents of public and customs administration has died out.

The same newspaper dwells on the exchanges of Malian deputies with Captain Ibrahim Traoré yesterday Thursday in Ouagadougou, on the subject of parliamentary cooperation.

According to him, the Malian deputies, on a working, friendship and experience-sharing visit, discussed with the Head of State on the strengthening of the two parliaments, as part of the establishment of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES).

The dean of Burkina Faso’s private dailies, L’Observateur Paalga
, underlines that the Burkinabè and Malian discussed the common challenges of the moment.

The private newspaper Le Pays adds that parliamentarians from both countries have reiterated their desire to work to make diplomacy more active.

The Burkinabè press was also interested in the national situation, in particular the kidnapping of the national coordinator of the SENS movement, Me Guy Hervé Kam.

The same newspaper indicates that according to several corroborating sources, the national coordinator of the SENS movement, Me Guy Hervé Kam, was ‘kidnapped’ on January 24, 2024 at Ouagadougou airport by individuals.

He continues that the SENS movement and the Balais Citoyen, through press releases, challenge the authorities in place on this matter.

As for the private daily L’Observateur Paalga, it shows on its first page: ‘National situation: we have lost traces of Me Guy Hervé Kam’.

Source: Burkina Information Agency