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Retro Education 2023: Historic visit of the President of the Transition to the University Joseph Ki-Zerbo and launch of the Unique toga in Faso Danfani

Ouagadougou: In the field of National Education and Higher Education, several events marked the year 2023, such as the visit of the President of the Transition , Captain Ibrahim Traoré to the Joseph Ki-Zerbo University and the launch of the Unique toga in Faso Danfani of Higher Education and Research Institutions .

The year 2023 started with the historic visit of the president of the transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré to the Joseph Ki-Zerbo University in Ouagadougou.

During this visit which took place on Tuesday January 17, 2023, the Head of State interacted with the academic and scientific community of Burkina.

Firstly, the interviews took place with teacher-researchers and Atos staff and secondly with students from the Higher Education and Research Institutions (IESR) of Burkina Faso.

The other major event of the year 2023 in the field of education was the launch of the Unique in Faso Danfani toga of Higher Education and Research Institutions.

The launch took place on Tuesday, November 28 in Ouagadougo
u, under the patronage of Prime Minister Apollinaire Joachimson Kyelem de Tambela.

576 teacher-researchers, university hospital teachers and researchers promoted from the 2021-2022 CAMES session wore their togas.

The 2022/2023 school year delivered the following results: 39.27% success in the BAC, 38.27% in the BEPC, 71.24% in the CEP. Technical and vocational education and training recorded a rate of 75.57%.

The trend in results is downward by 3.08 points for the BEPC and 1.84 points for the Bac compared to the year 2022. At the same time, those of the CEP improved by 8.06 points.

The best students of the 2022/2023 school year, numbering 101, and the best teachers, numbering 26, were received and congratulated on Thursday August 31 by the President of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

During a ceremony dedicated to them, the winners, from the thirteen regions of Burkina received, among other things, school kits, motorcycle computers, study grants, civil liability insurance and sums of money rangin
g from 250 thousand to 350 thousand FCFA.

The promotion of the wearing of Faso Dan Fani, Koko Dunda and other traditional fabrics was approved by presidential decree of June 2, 2023 in the school sector.

The recommended option is progressive, non-binding and concerns all public and private post-primary and secondary education establishments in the urban communes of Koudougou, Bobo-Dioulasso, Ouagadougou and the rural commune of Sabou from the start of the school year 2023-2024 .

Burkina Faso commemorated October 17 on a delayed basis, World Teachers’ Day initially scheduled for October 5 each year. On the occasion, 283 agents were decorated in the order of merit of the Academic Palms.

There were precisely 88 teacher-researchers from the Ministry in charge of Higher Education and 195 teachers and agents from the Ministry in charge of National Education.

The year 2023 ended with the appointment of a new Minister of National Education, Literacy and Promotion of National Languages (MENAPLN) Jacques Sosthène
Dingara to replace Joseph André Ouédraogo on Sunday December 17.

Source: Burkina Information Agency