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Reconquest of the territory: the women’s cell of the Muslim community invites all Burkinabe to join a dynamic of peace


The President of Faso, Head of State, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE received, in audience this Friday, a delegation from the women’s cell of the Muslim Community of Burkina Faso, who came to provide him with support in the fight against terrorism.

“Women are not on the battlefield; but in our families, they are mobilized, night and day, in prayers so that peace returns to our country (…) We have therefore come to encourage the President of Faso and to tell him that we, as mothers, wives and sisters, are with him in heart,” declared the spokesperson for the delegation, Hadja Aïcha KAGAMBEGA at the end of the audience.

On behalf of all the women of the Muslim community of Burkina Faso, she called on “people without faith or law” who take up arms against their country to lay them down so that peace can return to our country.

“We implore the Almighty to enlighten them and bring them back to the right path. May He put piety in their hearts and instill in them an education that will allow them to be more humane towa
rds their fellow men,” said Hadja KAGAMBEGA, satisfied with the discussions with the Head of State.

Communications Department of the Presidency of Faso

Source: Burkina Information Agency