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Ramadan: The Muslim community urges citizens to be one with the Transition to fight terrorism


“The war we are experiencing is not a political war, but a national war”, said Wednesday, the president of the Muslim community El Hadj Moussa Kouanda, condemning in passing, citizens who rejoice at the setbacks sometimes encountered by the Fighting Forces on the path to the fight against terrorism.

The Muslim faithful gathered on Wednesday April 10, 2024, at the Place de la Nation in Ouagadougou, for the Eid El Fitr prayer, marking the end of the month of Ramadan. Alongside them, a government delegation and other religious denominations.

The Imam of the great mosque of Ouagadougou, Cheikh Abdallah Ouédraogo, presided over the prayer marking the end of the Ramadan fast on Wednesday at the Place de la Nation.

In his sermon, Cheikh Abdallah Ouédraogo preached forgiveness, reconciliation, sharing, cohesion and living together between the daughters and sons of Burkina.

For the president of the Muslim community of Burkina Faso, El Hadj Moussa Koanda, the Muslim community is represented in more than 8,000 vill
ages in the country.

In doing so, ‘we are witnesses to the many efforts of the government to whom we say thank you,’ he said.

He added that the community encourages the government and prays that the Lord can accompany it in its mission to reconquer the country.

Furthermore, he invited all Burkinabè to show solidarity with members of the government for the reconquest of the national territory.

Because, he said, ‘the war we are experiencing is not a political war, but a national war.’

He took offense at the Burkinabè who rejoice at the setbacks of the Combatant Forces.

For him, war should not be personalized. It does not belong to the president, nor to the ministers, nor to the Muslim community, nor to the Catholic community. It is the war of all Burkinabè, according to him.

The government delegation led by the Minister of State, Minister of Civil Service, Labor and Social Protection, Bassolma Bazié, said it had come to convey the sincere recognition and congratulations of the Head of State, Captain Ibra
him Traoré, to the community for its multiple prayers and invocations in favor of the reconquest of the national territory.

Indeed, in April 2023, the government invited all communities to invest so that the fight to reconquer the territory becomes a reality.

Today, indicated the Minister, Bassolma Bazié, in the assessment, areas which were not accessible are.

This, he continued, is to the credit of all communities and particularly the Muslim community.

Furthermore, the representative of the Head of State invited the community to continue the path of construction, understanding between communities and strengthening peace.

For his part, the representative of the Catholic community, Monsignor Prosper Kontiébo, indicated that he had come to greet the Muslim brothers and wish them a happy holiday.

He also expressed the fraternity, communion, solidarity of the Catholic community to all the Muslim faithful before praying to the Lord to grant their wishes so that Burkina regains the peace and social cohesion o
f yesteryear.

Source: Burkina Information Agency