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Promoting Burkina Faso internationally: the United States diaspora presents the ‘Burkina Faso Golden Card or the Burkina Faso Business Card’ to the head of Burkinabe diplomacy

Promoting Burkina Faso internationally: the United States diaspora presents the ‘Burkina Faso Golden Card or the Burkina Faso Business Card’ to the head of Burkinabe diplomacy

Ouagadougou, September 18, 2024 (AIB) – The United States diaspora on Wednesday presented the ‘Burkina Faso Golden Card or the Burkina Faso Business Card’, a tool for promoting and strengthening the country’s influence on the international scene, to the head of Burkinabe diplomacy, Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré.

The Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs received the “Burkina Faso Golden Card or the Burkina Faso Business Card” from Serge Soubeiga, representing the initiator of the project “Burkina Faso on the screens of Times Square”, Jacob Nikiema, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, indicates the communication services of the said ministry.

For Mr. Soubeiga, this act is part of a vision of promoting Burkina Faso in the United States in particular and in the rest of the world in general, by Burkinabe from the diaspor

For him, the objective sought through the Burkina Faso business card is to promote the country of honest men and allow those who are outside the country to have a necessary and effective tool that facilitates access to various information concerning Burkina Faso, particularly in sectors such as the economy, tourism and culture.

He also specified that the card has a QR code that allows users to access not only the website of the presidency of Faso, but also the website of the ministry in charge of culture and tourism and many others.

The head of Burkinabe diplomacy welcomed this initiative of our compatriots, which according to him, is aligned with the vision of the President of Faso in terms of mobilizing the diaspora for the building of the homeland.

According to Mr. Traoré, the President of Faso has instructed to work so that all Burkinabè can contribute to the construction of the country.

“Beyond the current transfer, we have brothers and sisters who worthily bear the name of Burkina Faso through t
heir know-how. This gold and silver business card is a fine example that comes in addition to the initiative that consisted of presenting visuals on Burkina Faso in Times Square in New York,” he rejoiced.

For him, this gesture comes in addition to “the contribution of the names of great politicians and sportsmen of Burkina Faso in terms of promoting our country abroad, something that contributes to strengthening the influence of our homeland on the international scene.”

The diplomat invited the entire Burkinabe diaspora to bring their know-how to the construction of a better Burkina Faso.

Last August, the Burkinabe flag and monuments lit up the giant screens of Times Square in New York thanks to the initiative of Jacob Nikiema, in partnership with the services of the Ministry in charge of Foreign Affairs.

Source: Burkina Information Agency