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Peace effort: the Sanguié province provides support with an envelope of more than 10 million FCFA

Ouagadougou: At the call of the Living Forces including traditional leaders, the populations of Sanguié have contributed more than 10 million FCFA towards the peace effort. Local authorities received the check in the presence of numerous personalities, including Minister of State Bassolma Bazié, on Thursday January 4, 2024, at the place of the Réo High Commission.

The call from the head of state, Ibrahim Traoré, to contribute to the peace effort continues to make waves even in deep Burkina Faso. Indeed, the different communities did not hesitate for a single moment to adhere to the initiative of the customary leaders who have for some time been calling for mobilization to support the actions of the transition in favor of peace and security in Burkina Faso. .

According to the traditional chief of Réo, Bassambié Bassolé, we cannot remain behind the call of the Head of State to the extent that the safeguarding of our country is the responsibility of all Burkinabè. ‘And we are proud of the great victories that
our fighting forces continue to achieve for the peace and happiness of our populations driven to excess,’ he added.

Moreover, the leader of Réo always remembers the repeated attacks by armed terrorist groups who raided the area of Dassa, a neighboring commune, located about thirty kilometers from Réo, as recently as last year, emptying the locality. of its inhabitants.

All told, the sum of 10,842,010 CFA francs was collected to help the fight. Beyond this gesture, the customs evoked the manna of the ancestors so that this war which has lasted too long can quickly end.

In receiving the check, the authorities welcomed this undeniable commitment of the communities to support, to the extent of their possibilities, the actions of the transition which only aim to restore security and peace in the country.

Source: Burkina Information Agency