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Peace and cohesion: Communities present their know-how in Dori


The community recovery and stabilization project for the Sahel (PCRSS) organized in Dori on Thursday June 13, 2024, a communal day of communities with a view to promoting peace and social cohesion. The activity was marked by the exhibition of know-how, clothing, culinary and hair art and a parade of more than ten communities.

This Communities Day is placed under the theme of contribution and commitment of communities in the consolidation of peace, social cohesion and living together.

According to Mr. Abdoulaye Tamboura, monitoring and evaluation assistant at the Association for the Rural World (AMR), implementing partner of the PCRSS, social cohesion is not an empty word, but a social reality to be co-constructed.

For him, communities are confronted with conflicts and inequalities. This is why they must work together to eradicate them.

And Mr. Tamboura concludes that the communities day constitutes a great opportunity for this purpose.

Mr. Harouna Kaboré, regional branch head of the PCRSS, warmly thanke
d the AMR and the participating communities for the successful organization of this communal community day.

Presenting his structure on this occasion, Mr. Kaboré said that it is an initiative of Mali and Burkina Faso, financed by the World Bank to enable the stabilization and recovery of communities in the three border area, severely affected by the insecurity.

In the Sahel region, the project is implemented in the communes of Gorom-Gorom, Dori, Djibo, Sebba, Arbinda and Gorgadji.

According to Mr. Boureima Dicko, first vice-president of the special delegation of Dori, Burkina Faso is characterized by cultural and ethnic diversity which constitutes a unifying force to achieve the common objective of development.

For him, the theme of this day calls on communities to work more towards mutual respect of our values. Mr. Dicko called on communities to engage in daily acts of peace and living together.

The community representative, Mr. Ibrahim Oumarou Diallo, expressed his gratitude to the PCRSS and the AMR fo
r the organization of this community day.

For him, communities are bearers of cultural values ??whose kinship in jokes constitutes a real mechanism for the prevention and resolution of social conflicts.

Mr. Diallo wanted this value to be transmitted to younger generations.

This community day ended with a tasting of local dishes and a community meal.

Source: Burkina Information Agency