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Patriotic commitment and citizenship: Annihilate the ugly face of Burkinabè (Corner paper)

Ouagadougou: Burkina Faso organized from March 26 to April 9, 2024, the National Days of Patriotic Commitment and Citizen Participation (JEPPC) .

The initiative aimed at awareness-raising actions on sanitation, reforestation and discipline , but also support for fighting forces .

At the end of the fortnight on Tuesday , Prime Minister Apollinaire Joachimson Kyé lem de Tambe declared that the results were positive. In other words, the expected results were achieved.

This initiative by the Transition authorities , the first of its kind, meets with the approval of citizens. They, through activities and behaviors, demonstrated their support.

Raising drapes, wearing traditional Burkinabè outfits, eating local dishes , were observed, among other things, during these two weeks.

On the sidelines of this fortnight , Burkinabè individuals or in associations took civic actions . This is the case of the national collective for refoundation which, on the eve of Ramadan, gave three tons of food to the women of the Gre
en Brigade, to enable them to celebrate.

Another citizen delivered medical consumables to a reference health center in the Burkinabe capital. In short, the examples are legion.

It must be recognized that many Burkinabè people did not wait for the national days of patriotic commitment and citizen participation to adopt these beneficial behaviors. And they are not going to stop or suspend their generosity once the fortnight is over, either .

However , while the JEPPC was taking place, national news showed that some Burkinabè (fortunately a minority) are capable of the worst .

Indeed, last week, the press reported on the behavior of a trader in Bobo-Dioulasso which shocks ordinary mortals.

This trader pushed greed , let’s say wickedness , to the point of reselling pebbles in the form of cereals intended for human consumption .

He and his acolytes were arrested on Wednesday April 3, 2024 by the Hauts-Bassins Regional Judicial Police Service (SRPJ). According to media accounts , these individuals crushed gra
nite and quartz into small grains so that their mixture with grain was difficult to detect.

‘ It was around forty bags of sorghum mixed with stones that the SRPJ was able to sixteen from the merchant’s store, ‘ we report .

At a time when we are promoting good behavior , this hideous side of Burkinabè must be fought, even destroyed.

The Transition authorities are working to encourage good examples and inspire others. It is in this dynamic that the national coordinator of presidential initiatives regularly carries out field trips to Ouagadougou and other cities.

On each of his outings to visit streets paved by Burkinabè at their own expense , he highlights these initiators of development in the neighborhoods and congratulates them.

It brings joy to the heart to see that gestures of patriotism are being seen among adolescents and children. There are many students who contribute in their own way to the peace effort, often even without the knowledge of their parents.

This is the case in Tenkodogo where two c
hildren (twins) on the basis of the sums they received for snacks at school, were able to put aside money which they gave to support the Fighting Forces.

Their aunt with whom they live admitted in the report that she had not yet given her contribution and that she was unaware that these children were contributing to this noble cause.

In Ouagadougou, Noéla and Toussiane Zabré, both 5th grade students at the MonSeigneur André Dupont school complex, have been talked about positively in recent days. In fact, the two teenagers have decided to donate , for the benefit of the Patriotic Support Fund ( FSP ), all of their income for the month of March from the sale of sweets, which they make.

With such behavior of little ones, we are certain that the next generation in terms of patriotic commitment and citizen participation is assured. It remains to stay the course of awareness-raising and governance by example.

Source: Burkina Information Agency