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Passoré: The Rural World Association takes stock of the results for the members of the provincial consultation framework

The Rural World Association (AMR) took stock of its activities on Friday in Yako on the occasion of the second session ordinary meeting of the year 2023 of the provincial consultation framework (CCP) of Passoré. The Rural World Association (AMR) judges the level of achievement of its actions in Passoré to be very satisfactory, during 2023. She made this known during a communication she delivered on the occasion of the second ordinary session of the year 2023 of the provincial consultation framework (CCP) of Passoré, held Friday in the multipurpose room of the Yako youth center. The communication presented to the participants focused, among other things, on the presentation of the project, its area of intervention, its vision, its objectives as well as the activities that were carried out during the year. According to the communicator of the module, Justin Djiguèmdé who represented the coordinator of the AMR in Passoré, the project which was created in 1994, covers 10 regions of the country among the Northern region to which Passoré falls. The overall objective of the said project, declared the communicator, is to contribute to improving the living conditions of populations through the promotion of community initiatives, the promotion of sustainable food systems, social cohesion and the promotion of rights and human freedoms. The association is also committed to training and raising awareness among communities by making them more autonomous. It also aims at admissibility and above all solidarity for development in its areas of intervention. Areas of intervention that Mr. Djiguèmdé made the participants understand. For him, it was about strengthening the promotion of human rights, social cohesion, decentralization and local governance. Before adding the promotion of the empowerment of women and young people, the communicator also indicated that the Association intervenes in strengthening land security and the protection of natural resources. For the year 2023, it appeared in the communication that several activities could be carried out. Among these, we can note, among others, the implementation of the collective or individual micro enterprise fund for young people, the training of CSOs and at least 20 young leaders in mobile journalism (MOJO). We could also include access for the most vulnerable to the national food and nutritional security stock and the implementation of actions by advocacy groups. Other actions include the creation of five spaces for dialogue and community discussion, support for young leaders’ clubs in partner high schools and support for the animation of provincial and municipal consultation frameworks, without forgetting the participation of young people in Citizen Universities were carried out for the benefit of the populations. The communication revealed prospects for AMR, notably the creation of a provincial consultation framework and a panel on decentralization, in addition to the production of climate maps in schools. The High Commissioner of Passoré, Daouda Sangaré who chaired the work of the session, expressed his thanks to the Rural World Association for its support in holding the CCP. Mr. Sangaré also agreed with the level of implementation of the actions of the Rural World Association which he considered ‘very reassuring’, despite the security context in certain municipalities in the locality.

Source: Burkina Information Agency