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Oratorical debates in the North: The Zondoma finalists are known

Gourcy: The elimination phases of the Great Oratory Debates (GDO) of the North for the province of Zondoma took place on Saturday February 17, 2024 at the Center for Public Reading and Cultural Animation (CELPAC) in Gourcy. Five teams competed for three qualifying places.

The Lycée Provincial du Zondoma (LPZ), the Lycée Privé Saint Henri de Osso (LPSHO), the Lycée Privé Bethel (LPB) and the Lycée Municipal de Gourcy (LMG) took part in the first round of the elimination phases of the Great Oratory Debates of North this Saturday February 17, 2024 in Gourcy.

At the end of these farm games, the LPZ, the LPB and the LPSHO were able to seduce the jury by snatching their ticket for the rest of the competitions.

These teams valiantly defended their position, respectively on the themes: Artificial intelligence, a threat to humanity? ; The CFA franc a colonial currency? and the requisition of citizens in times of crisis.

For the president of the organizing committee, Ali Nanéma, the GDOs of the North initiated by t
he Yam-Weekré Youth Association aim to contribute to the training of tomorrow’s leaders by promoting oratorical talents among school youth.

According to him, the sixth edition was launched under the theme: ‘Artificial intelligence and promotion of culture; issues and perspectives for building a peaceful society”.

According to the organizers, the representative of the Zondoma province will be known next May at the end of a provincial final phase which will pit the three qualified establishments against each other.

The winner of this confrontation will have the heavy responsibility of defending the province against the candidates of Yatenga, Passoré and Loroum.

Source: Burkina Information Agency