Categories Health & Safety

Ophthalmological campaign: Around forty people regain their sight thanks to a team of German specialists

The ‘Dr Boukaré Sebego’ medical-surgical center in Léo, in collaboration with a team of German surgeons Operieren in Africa, organized from February 26 to March 1, an ophthalmological surgery campaign for the benefit of around forty of people from the said locality

‘In one week of the surgical campaign, a total of around forty people suffering from cataracts were treated by the team of German specialists,’ indicated the director of the German surgical medical center in Léo, Omar Ouédraogo.

Ouédraogo explained that nearly 400 other patients who also had low visual acuity benefited from corrective lenses at social prices.

According to him, 80 corrective lenses were distributed free of charge. According to him, some cases of glaucoma have been treated with laser. This new technology, he says, has made it possible to treat around twenty patients.

He further reassured that the interventions are free, only the implants are covered by the patients.

Omar Ouédraogo continued that the support from specialists come
s at the right time, in the sense that it will make it possible to provide quality care to many poor people.

He therefore invited the population to come regularly for consultations with ophthalmologists, because according to him, the campaign makes it possible to detect and treat certain pathologies early to avoid complications.

The director of the German surgical medical center in Léo finally expressed all the gratitude of the population of Sissili to the German team for everything they do to improve their health.

Source: Burkina Information Agency