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Northern Regional Youth Council: 50 young people trained in promising professions

Ouagadougou: The Northern Regional Youth Council (CRJ-N) in partnership with the Support Unit for Decentralization and Citizen Participation (CADEPAC) organized from July 23 to 27, 2024, a training session to strengthen the capacities of 50 young entrepreneurs working in promising professions.

A total of around fifty men and women from the four provinces of the Northern region, who were trained on several modules related to entrepreneurship. During five days of practical work, the regional director of youth entrepreneurship in the North and responsible for training Moussa Tassembédo strengthened the capacities of young people in promising professions.

For the organizers of this activity, the objective of this training is to equip young people with promising professions in order to facilitate their socio-professional integration.

During the 5 days, the young people and their trainer discussed what a business is, how to create and manage it, and develop a business plan. On the other hand, the young people ha
d ideas on where to find money to start a business and then discussed digital entrepreneurship, marketing and business development.

For Mr. Tassembédo, it was useful to train young people, encourage them and give them the essential basics for good management of their businesses. ‘We are calling on young people to truly move towards entrepreneurship. We expect them to have regular contact with the regional management in charge of entrepreneurship. This is how we can strengthen their capacities, grant them credits, provide follow-up support and advice and support them in putting together business plans,’ Moussa Tassembédo suggested.

Kadidiatou Nongma Ouédraogo, president of the Northern Regional Youth Council, expressed her satisfaction with the capacity building of fifty young people in promising professions.

‘I am very delighted with this training, which is the result of advocacy that we made to our technical and financial partner, CADEPAC, whom we thank in passing. I invite young people to make the most o
f and put into practice what they learned from the five days of training,’ said the first youth leader in the North.

Bibata Bélèm, from the Loroum province, on behalf of the participants, praised the initiative towards young people from the Northern region. ‘We thank the Regional Youth Council and its partner for initiating this valuable training. We have the will but often we struggle to implement our projects due to lack of financial resources and lack of adequate training,’ she said

Source: Burkina Information Agency