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Niger: traditional leaders took up their pilgrim’s staff to raise awareness about patriotism and good citizenship

Ouagadougou: Niger’s notables and traditional chiefs arrived in a caravan on Wednesday in Maradi (660 km east of Niamey) for an information and awareness campaign on the values of patriotism and civic engagement, the AIB learned from the Nigerien press agency .

The caravan supervised by the Cabinet Stars Group will travel through the eight regions of the country to encourage Nigeriens to take real action in the context of building our country’s economy, which has been undermined by ECOWAS sanctions in particular.

For Ahmed Ali Zaki, Sultan of Maradi-Katsina, his country deserves great changes and this caravan will strengthen cohesion and revive the patriotism of all Nigeriens. ‘Our country is facing several adversities and it is time for all Nigeriens to realize this,’ he said.

‘We no longer need speeches in Niger. The call from the president of the National Council for the Protection of the Fatherland (CNSP), head of state General Abdourahamane Tiani, is to unite through social cohesion all Nigeriens with
patriotic and civic values so that all “Nigerians are taking real actions to build our economy” explained, Dr Aboubacar Hassane, head of the Stars Group firm quoted by the ANP

The secretary general of the governorate of Maradi, Saadou Ibrahim welcomed this initiative which reinforces the multiple efforts already constantly deployed by traditional leaders on patriotism and civic engagement in Niger.

In the indicative program, the caravan will travel to Zinder on January 20, Tilabéri on January 24 and Niamey on February 7, 2024.

Source: Burkina Information Agency