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Nearly 3,000 IDP households and host populations will benefit from 120 tonnes of food

The High Commissioner of Banwa province, President COPROSUR accompanied by members of the committee launched the food distribution campaign for the benefit of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and the host populations of the province, on Wednesday, September 12, 2024.

“During this lean season, CONASUR thought of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and vulnerable people by helping them with corn and rice,” said Oumarou Sandwidi, chair of COPROSUR in Banwa.

According to the provincial director in charge of humanitarian action in Banwa, Nandegma Nacoulma, more than 3,000 internally displaced persons and vulnerable host populations will benefit from 120 tons, including 60 tons of corn and 60 tons of rice.

The symbolic handover was made with 5 male IDPs and 5 female IDP heads of households.

Last week, 300 households received food from an NGO and for this sharing, they will not be concerned.

Source: Burkina Information Agency