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Namentenga: The Forces vives organize a meeting in support of the Transition

Ouagadougou: The population of Boulsa, under the leadership of the honorable traditional chief of Boulsa, Naba Sonré, organized this January 13, 2024 in Boulsa a meeting in support of the Transition.

Massively mobilized, the population of the province has once again shown its support for the transition for its invaluable efforts carried out on the ground in favor of the restoration and safeguarding of Burkina Faso.

An atmosphere of celebration, dancing and music supported the event. The president of the organizing committee, Seelognaba, representing the head of Boulsa, the communal women’s coordinator, the provincial youth president, the head of state’s mission manager took turns speaking.

Unanimously, they expressed their gratitude to the Transition and, through it, to the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, for what is being done on the ground in favor of the restoration and safeguarding of Burkina in general, and for Namentenga in particular.

The updating of the Boulsa military base was also at
the center of concerns. They blessed and encouraged the government. Regarding the population, the speakers asked them to unite more for the development of the province.

According to Ms. Sandouidi Bibiane, communal women’s coordinator, the rallying of the sons of Burkina Faso to terrorist groups is the consequence of the poor education of our children within families.

To do this, she asked parents to put children’s education at the center of family concerns. The speakers also criticized the misuse of social networks.

Source: Burkina Information Agency