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Namentenga: Song n pass offers food and clothing to IDPs

Ouagadougou: The women’s association Song n pass (Help more) presented to the High Commissioner of the province Adama Conseiga, on January 1, 2024, a donation of food and non-living items for the benefit of internally displaced people ( PDI).

40 25kg bags of corn, 17 25kg bags of rice, 5 boxes of soap balls and two sets of clothes are the composition of the donation from the Song n Paas association for the benefit of internally displaced people in the province.

Presenting the donation to the High Commissioner, Adama Conseiga, the president of the association, Aissetou Soudré, specified that this donation is the fruit of collaboration between the partners of the association and the contribution of its members.

Its aim is to support their parents who, due to terrorist acts, have abandoned their localities to find themselves in various reception sites.

She thanked the Fighting Forces who defied all adversities in defense of the homeland.

Enthusiastically receiving this first gift of the new year, Adama Cons
eiga warmly thanked the association for its foresight, its dynamism and for its contribution to the peace effort.

According to him, no help is too much. And, before wishing a happy new year 2024 to the members of the association and peace in Burkina in general and Namentenga in particular, he encouraged the members and invited those of good will to follow in his footsteps.

Then he in turn handed over the donation to the Provincial Directorate in charge of humanitarian action for transmission to the beneficiaries.

Source: Burkina Information Agency